
Hanspeter KAPPELER

With the goal of preserving the traditional arts and crafts of Japan, we at HIKITA-YA are keen to further develop export markets by promoting the values of Japan’s “dentoukougeihin”.

With our international audience-centred website, we would like to promote products that are produced in harmony with nature, designed to last a lifetime, and embody the timeless deep “common” sense of beauty and Japanese spirit.

HIKITA Mayu: research, curator, product selection, text, communication between artisan and consumer.

Hanspeter KAPPELER: Lived in Japan for 47 years; currently resides in both Switzerland and Japan.


logo design:     MURAI Hitomi (iroha)

website design:  SOGA Shūichi (SWN-Soga Planning)

English editor:  David BEETON

guest author:   TOMIKAWA Kyōko (K.K. emu)